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I’ve missed you my boy. Glad to see you’re still at it. At 71 I’m in the middle of Vivo’s target demographic. I love the sound of it. I’m such an affiliative person, I run on the fuel of connection to others. At the same time, I have all manner of inhibitions and insecurities that will ever keep me from showing up at the Y or a Planet Fitness. At thirty I didn’t want to see myself in comparison to other guys. At 71 the thought of exercising with 30 year olds is unimaginable. Even other 70 somethings would intimidate me but the scale of the Vivo group would allow personality to be at play. Laughter among friends goes a long way toward making pain palatable. I know the stats about frequency of falls and their impact on morbidity and mortality. That knowledge is not a motivator for me, because it’s too easy to live on hope that I’ll be one of the lucky ones that manages to stay upright. That said, balance training along with strength training, a blend of yoga practice with weight lifting, would seem like an ideal combo for seniors. Yoga also introduced the concept of body work as a spiritual discipline which truly does appeal to me and which in the past I’ve found highly motivating.

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